Noleli's Away Messages

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy new year!

Friday, December 30, 2005

Trying to figure out Torino.

That's right, we're going to the olympics!
Any Farmington Hills people doing anything for New Years?
Trying to figure out Torino.

That's right, we're going to the olympics!
Out to lunch with Grandma, Grandpa, and other assorted relatives.
Around the house.
Seems like umich is down again.
Sleep. Back to Farmington Hills in the morning.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Packing up.
Wow. Done with eight years of marching.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Sleeping. Up at 8:42.
Lighting Chanukah candles in the hotel room.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Probably out to dinner in San Antonio.
Slightly disappointed with the lack of griddle product.
Ow. I hurt really badly.
Pretty darn tired. Three busses and a plane later....

Monday, December 26, 2005

En San Antonio.

Sunday, December 25, 2005


Up at 4:30 (ha. maybe.) so I can shower before the flight.
Aristurtle has a clean tank.
Packing, kinda.

And I fixed my headphones!
Around the house.
And maybe fixing my headphones at some point.
On a top-sectret mission.

Hm.... The blogging script (see profile) doesn't seem to be allowing me to go idle. I guess I'll have to manually go idle.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Out looking at Christmas lights with my family. 'Cause we do that.